‘Record of Ragnarok’ Season 3 on Netflix: Everything We Know So Far

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record of ragnarok season 3 on netflix

Picture: Record of Ragnarok – Yumeta Company / Viz Media / Netflix

After six incredible rounds, humanity and the gods are tied at 3 wins apiece. With seven more pulsating fights to go, we fully expect Record of Ragnarok to return for a third season on Netflix sometime in the near future. 

Record of Ragnarok is a Netflix Original fantasy-action anime series and an adaptation of the manga publication of the same name by authors Shinya Umeura and Takumi Fukui. The series was formerly produced by Graphinica, who worked on anime such as Hellsing, Wonder Momo, and Another World, before being moved to the Yumeta Company.

When the gods decide to end the existence of mankind, the Valkyrie Brunhilda convinces the pantheon to give humanity one last chance and to hold the tournament Ragnarok. In order to survive, humanity must win 7 out of the 13 fights against the gods. To give humanity an even greater chance, the valkyries risk their own lives and bond their souls to the humans, giving them a powerful tailored weapon capable of killing gods.

When is Record of Ragnarok season 3 coming to Netflix?

Netflix has yet to officially announce if a third season of Record of Ragnarok is happening. However, when you consider that there are seven remaining rounds, that’s at least two more seasons we would expect to see.

Record of Ragnarok release schedule

There was a nineteen-month gap between the release of season 1 and season 2 part 1. Season 2 part 2 arrived six months later. If we apply the same release schedule for the third season then we could see Record of Ragnarok return to Netflix by August 2024.

  • Season 1 – June 17th, 2021
  • Season 2 Part 1 – January 26th, 2023
  • Season 2 Part 2 – July 12th, 2023
  • Season 3 – Q3 2024 (TBA)

The Winners and Losers so Far

Round 1

Winner: Thor | Loser: Lu Bu

record of ragnarok round 1 lu bu thor

Round 2

Winner: Zeus | Loser: Adam

record of ragnarok round 1 adam zeus

Round 3

Winner: Kojiro Saski | Loser: Poseidon

record of ragnarok round 1 kenjiro poseidon

Round 4

Winner: Jack the Ripper | Loser: Hercules

record of ragnarok round 4 jack the ripper hercules netflix

Round 5

Winner: Shiva | Loser: Raiden

record of ragnarok round 5 raiden shiva netflix

Round 6

Winner: Buddha | Loser: Zerofoku

record of ragnarok round 6 buddha Zerofoku

Upcoming Rounds & Combatants

Round 7

Qin Shi Huang, the founder of the Chinese Qin Dynasty will face Hades, the Greek god of the underworld, and brother of the defeated god Poseidon.

Round 8

One of the greatest scientific minds to have existed, the Serbian-American scientist Nikola Tesla will take on Beelzabub, the philistine deity of Judaism and Christianity.

Round 9

Leonidas, arguably the most famous Spartan of Ancient Greece, will take on the Greek God of the Sun, Apollo.

Confirmed future combatants

We also know some of the names of the combatants who will represent humanity in later rounds;

  • Soji Okita – Captain of the Shinsengumi.
  • Michael Nostradamus – Famous prophet.
  • Sakata Kintoki – Fabled demon slayer.
  • Simo Häyhä – The deadliest sniper in human history.

Are you looking forward to watching Record of Ragnarok season 3 on Netflix? Let us know in the comments below!

source https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/news/record-of-ragnarok-season-3-on-netflix-everything-we-know-so-far/